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ikono world enviromental day june 2011


As Charles Dickens says in his Tale of Two Cities, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness…we had everything before us, we had nothing before us.”  One hundred and fifty years later, the feeling of disillusionment still remains.  With the recent financial collapse, the failure of the political sector to find tangible solutions, the decline of environmental protection and a general sense of both individual and collective despair, we find ourselves at a moment of truth.  We believe, this time of uncertainty should be the moment to reconsider the intrinsic value of artistic practice as a cultural catalyst and provoke change. We believe that through the arts, freedom of expression creates an opportunity to put forth an alternative view of the world.


Ikono|Menasa and MELD have joined forces to render an homage to the planet and will present a 24 hour series on June 17 , 2011 of art films/videos dedicated to issues embedded in the environment. These films will act as a catalyst for social change by provoking civic engagement, thus creating a feeling of belonging, a sense of responsibility and an experience of investment and ownership in the local, regional, national, and international communities to which citizens belong. Additionally, our goal is to generate a physical and experiential space where people learn to co‐exist, connect and build trust.  Such community engagement forges social contracts between people and across various associations, including civic, political and business entities. We hope ikonoMenasa and MELD will become a bridge to facilitate new dialogues in the world.

 RIver of Life | courtesy Danae Stratou

Ile de Beaute | Ange Leccia Dominique Gonzalez-Forester

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